• Casaselva

    • Susan Leyland, solo exibhition
    • Museum of Contrada della Selva and Casa Sensi, Siena
    • 2 July / 16 August 2020
    • by Contrada Selva and Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    In occasione del Palio di Siena, sospeso quest’anno causa Covid-19, la Galleria Sensi Arte ha organizzato presso il suo appartamento nel cuore di Siena e presso il Museo della Contrada della Selva, una mostra personale dell’Artista Susan Leyland. Nota al pubblico per le sue sculture di cavalli, Leyland si confronta per la prima volta con...

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    Feeling water

    • Flavia Robalo and Massimo Barlettani, group exhibition
    • Sensi Arte Galleria, venue
    • September 2020
    • by Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    We dedicate an exhibition to water expressed through the feelings it arouses. Enveloping, inclusive matter that forms bonds and disperses them. Water transmits multiple sensations linked to the primordial memory that is the source of life. Never equal to itself, in balance between interconnected and contaminating memories, it is by its nature an...

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