• ARTE & SCACCHI – Siena fa Scacco Matto

    • Alessandro Reggioli, Matteo Nannini
    • Santa Maria della Scala - Sala Italo Calvino
    • 14/15/16 February
    • Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    On the occasion of “Siena fa Scacco Matto”, the Festival dedicated to the world of chess held at the Santa Maria della Scala, the SENSI ARTE Contemporary Art Gallery presents a selection of unique pieces related to the game, symbol of art, science and creativity, but above all a metaphor of life itself. In the...

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    QUELLO CHE NON VEDIAMO – Il viaggio come Transizione

    • Massimo Barlettani, Gerald Moroder
    • POP-UP Gallery SENSI ARTE, Vicolo del Cavalletto 4(SI)
    • From 31/10/2024 to 06/01/2025
    • Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    For this 2024 season of SENSI ARTE’s exhibitions, which featured the theme of Travel and Transition, we are going to end with the not yet explored sense of Travel as introspection, as unattainable distance in the tangible sense. With this final bi-personal, we understand the journey as the path we take by paying attention to...

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    • Nicola Bertellotti, Roberto Ghezzi
    • POP-UP Gallery SENSI ARTE, Via del Cavalletto 4 (Siena)
    • 06/04/2024-31/05/2024
    • Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    Artisti Erranti “Where does time go?”, Albert Einstein once asked his colleague Kurt Gödel while strolling in Princeton Gardens. There is no right answer: the present slowly turns into the past, it changes until it becomes oblivion or memory, and if it becomes memory, man himself is transformed by it. At the same time, passing...

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    • Matteo Nannini
    • POP-UP Gallery SENSI ARTE, Siena
    • 09/03/2024 - 31/03/2024
    • Mario Leoncini and Francesca Sensi
    DIPINTI E COMICS INERENTI AL MONDO DEGLI SCACCHI The chess historian Mario Leoncini, who has always been involved in dissemination and chess research, renews the collaboration with the SENSI ARTE Contemporary Art Gallery in the sign of the common passion for the game in its different facets.Through two different expressive mediums, graphics and...

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    Il Bosco in una Serra

    • Nicola Bertellotti, Hermann Josef Runggaldier, bipersonale
    • Sensi Arte, Arnolfo Restaurant, iSculpture
    • Settembre 2022
    • a cura di Sisters Galleries
    “Il Bosco in una Serra” è un progetto espositivo sul mondo vegetale, caratterizzato dalla rinascita della natura, dal bisogno di una vita più sostenibile espressa attraverso l’arte della fotografia e della scultura e del cibo. Due Artisti, due Gallerie, tre sedi espositive.  Una mostra diffusa nel territorio della valdelsa: un viaggio...

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    At the source

    • Marco Manzella, solo exhibition
    • Sensi Arte Gallery, venue
    • June 2022
    • by Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    Water is a frequent element in my art, it often comes back in different forms: once as a canal, once as a swimming pool, more often as a seascape. This water is a background that shapes our vision, a forming element in everything we see. The shapes are taken into a blue liquid that wraps...

    Browse catalogue

    Of earth and sky

    • Laura Serafini, solo exhibition
    • Sensi Arte Gallery, venue
    • November 2021
    • by Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    Bodies and faces emerge from pre-defined marks coming out of old maps and they mix together in a mysterious aura. Laura Serafini can take us along a thin, transparent line, a sort of thread guiding us and encouraging us to walk along emotional paths: hands, backs, limbs and faces show meditation and suspended moments, then...

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    Tell me a story

    • Marco Manzella, solo exhibition
    • A Belmond Hotel, Casole d'Elsa, Siena
    • June 2021
    • by Patrick Pii e Francesca Sensi
    Looking at the paintings by Marco Manzella is seeing still images in theatre settings. The human figures and the landscapes, finely painted with tempera on wood, layer upon layer, have tones of light built like in wood panels from the XVth century. All is still, motionless: no real movement, but only frozen actions that are...

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    Restarting from hugs

    • Group exhibition
    • Sensi Arte Gallery, venue
    • May / September 2021
    • by Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    The daily gestures which we take for granted and which characterise us as humans, our most elementary and instinctive signals have been under strain during this hard, suspended time, and they probably won’t be the same for a long time yet. Trying to keep away from rhetorics, we have dedicated our next exhibition to these...

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    • Susan Leyland, solo exibhition
    • Museum of Contrada della Selva and Casa Sensi, Siena
    • 2 July / 16 August 2020
    • by Contrada Selva and Francesca and Emanuela Sensi
    In occasione del Palio di Siena, sospeso quest’anno causa Covid-19, la Galleria Sensi Arte ha organizzato presso il suo appartamento nel cuore di Siena e presso il Museo della Contrada della Selva, una mostra personale dell’Artista Susan Leyland. Nota al pubblico per le sue sculture di cavalli, Leyland si confronta per la prima volta con...

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