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    Segno e Archetipo

    “Every man is a world unto himself, by the path either of transcendence or immanence” once
    wrote José Saramago. But if the mentioned man is also an artist he will hardly be satisfied with
    this awareness and will investigate, with his own tools, the connection between material and
    immaterial. // Archetypes are like the invisible foundations on which our symbolic world stands.
    They represent primordial, universal and recurring forms, present in the collective unconscious
    of humanity.

    Whit this exhibition SENSI ARTE Gallery’s aim is to investigate the themes of Journey and
    Transition, which this season’s events are dedicated to, in its most spiritual form. Since the
    beginning of his life the Man start a journey to the discovery of the self and the other, an
    endless path which is made with both body and spirit. In this journey the Earth (or individual
    memory) and the Spirit (collective memory) are continuously and inevitably intertwined, just as
    two deities trying to reveal the meaning of our existence. “TERRA e SPIRITO – Segno e
    Archetipo”, the bi-personal of the artists Marco Manzella and Federico Bencini, has the goal of
    manifesting the aesthetic correspondence of these concepts through the use of the sign,
    understood as a trace (Bencini), and the archetype, intended as a symbolic world (Manzella).

    At Sensi Arte POP-UP Gallery, via del Cavalletto 4 (SI)

    From the 08 of June to the 27 of July