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    Artisti Erranti

    “Where does time go?”, Albert Einstein once asked his colleague Kurt Gödel while strolling in Princeton Gardens. There is no right answer: the present slowly turns into the past, it changes until it becomes oblivion or memory, and if it becomes memory, man himself is transformed by it. At the same time, passing time doesn’t spare those places where life happens, and sublimation transform them: memory and oblivion coexist, as two faces of the same coin.

    The exhibition, first one of a season dedicated to the theme of Travel and Transition, will reveal how Art and Nature are fed by Time that passes by. Nicola Bertellotti and Roberto Ghezzi think that the concepts of Topos and Chronos are necessary conditions for the creative process, through photography for Bertellotti and nature painting for Ghezzi. As travelling artists their atelier is an extra-urban space, where space and time structures are essential. They can be considered by all means ”errant artists’’ in light of their relationship with time while travelling to places, studying their territory with scientific dedication, and looking for the true origin of their creative needs in the sites that they choose. Flavia Robalo‘s sculptures will accompany the exhibition.

    Host at POP-UP Gallery Sensi Arte (SI)

    From 06/04/2024 to 31/05/2024